Friday, July 22, 2011

3.0 Day 1

3.0 Starting Weight: 198.8
Today’s Weight: 198.8
Total 3.0 Loss: 0 Pounds

Original Starting Weight: 244
Today’s Weight: 198.8
Total Loss: 45.2 Pounds
I'm back!!!!  I still haven't come up with a new name for the blog but I want to get back to it so I'm going with another 30 day blog and will hopefully come up with something creative by the end.  As you'll note from my starting weight I FINALLY hit my under 200 pound mark!!  Whoop Whoop!!  I've been under for about 2 weeks and haven't gained (or lost) so I'm ready to get going again.  I'm still working on the running but despite doing it 2-4 times a week my time hasn't improved much.  I'm doing a 5k in the sand with obstacles next Saturday so I'm really going to hit it hard this week.  I can't even estimate a time goal for this since I've never run in sand nor done any of these obstacles.  So my goal is to beat Brandi ;)  I probably shouldn't be writing this since she might read it and will probably train hard this week to kick my ass but maybe that will motivate me a little more to increase what I can this week.  Another change I made to the blog is I changed my starting weight to where I was when I first started trying to lose weight last July rather than the beginning of this blog series.  45.2 pounds in a year isn't too bad :)  I have 48.8 pounds to go til my goal so I'm half way there!!  No way this will take me another year to get there.  I'm hoping to be there by Halloween!! 
Here we go.......
Thanks for reading,