Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 4

Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 216.4
Total Loss: 4.6 pounds

Hello Day 4.  Down another pound today which is the best way to start the day so I was in a good mood going into work.  Boss came back from vaca today so that pretty much squashed that good mood by 9am.  Back to dealing with bs after a nice week off where I almost felt like I was on vaca too.  But I see the end of the tunnel with only 18 work days left to deal with him and I will never have to do it again.  Can I get a woohoo??!? 

I did well on the food front today even made the most effort I have made in a long time to exercise though the universe was working against me.  I tried to make it to an interesting workout that a co-worker has been telling me about for a few weeks but by the time I found the place and then parking there was a line of people in front of me and no time to register for the 530pm class.  I'm hoping to hit it up again on Saturday to see how I like it.  I still haven't gotten my treadmill yet so I'm really slacking on the exercise part of this resolution.  I don't want to be a skinny flabby mess so I need to get it together before I have to hear another lecture from Brandi about losing muscle or some other terrible thing that might happen to me if I diet and don't work out ;) 

I had a headache and was really tired all day but I did manage to do my research from yesterday on high energy foods and found what you all probably already know.  Broccoli, asparagus, spinach (yuck), nuts, eggs, yogurt, oranges or anything with a lot of vitamin C, beans, and seeds have the most energy packed into them.  Considering I have been eating yogurt pretty much every day since I started this and still feel tired I decided to try one of the others.  Unfortunately the only thing on this list I had in my house was a bag of frozen broccoli which I didn't find until after dinner.  I was able to get an Orange in for afternoon snack (thank you very much Mr. Odom) but still felt really run down when I got home from work.  I will make more of an effort with these foods tomorrow and am going to look into a multi-vitamin.  Maybe I can find one specifically made for energy.

I can already see potential obstacles for tomorrow.  A company sponsored lunch for the end of our big yearly audit (words can't describe how happy I am that its over) and movie night with the girls (which will include dinner).  I am going back to yogurt for breakfast tomorrow becuase its only 120 calories and will give me a good start to deal with these two obstacles.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to do movie theatre food low cal?  I should be ok at dinner since I pretty much know 1 healthy thing at all the restaurants that we could potentially end up at.  I do tend to give up on the calorie count when I go out though under the guise of "i'll eat less tomorrow".  So that will be my true challenge tomorrow.  Stay within calories while still going out and having fun. 

Thanks for reading.


Food Journal March 31, 2011

Breakfast - 280 calories
2 french toast sticks
2 turkey sausage links
Lunch - 280 calories
LC turkey w/mashed potatoes, green beans
Snack - 65 calories
Dinner - 650 calories
1 cup ground beef with taco seasoning
1/4 cup shredded cheese
1 chocolate chip cookie
1 juicy juice fruit punch box
Total calories - 1275

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 3

Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 217.6
Total Loss: 3.4 pounds

Whew, it seems as if I dodged a bullet with the pizza.  My weight was exactly the same today as it was yesterday.  No loss but no gain either.  I'm still on track for 30 pounds in 30 days.  I feel good about my choices today.  I had a more stressful than usual day at work today and still managed to stay within my calorie goal (and recover 3.6 million dollars).  I still struggled a little around 530 when I was getting waxed (I'm no longer a hairy beast!) because I was starting to get really hungry and was pretty close to the danger zone when I'm so hungry I don't give a shit about calories and just want to stuff my face.  Then I did the worst thing I could possibly do in that situation - I went to the grocery store?!  I made an effort to look at the nutritional value of everything I bought and rectified my issue from last night by buying 3 family size lean cuisine dinners.  Now I have something quick that will steam in the microwave and not be 305 calories per bite.

Something I need to look into that I've noticed in just the few days that I've been doing this is that my energy is pretty much gone by 8-830 every night.  I don't know if its because my body is adjusting to lower calories or if I'm just spending the calories on the wrong foods.  That is my goal for tomorrow.  Research high energy foods and try to incorporate at least one serving into each meal. 

I've been thinking about buying an outfit for my 30 pound goal.  Something that is a size or two smaller than what I am right now.  I'm having a going away party on April 29th which will be just a couple days after my 30 days is up so a new outfit for that party would be nice.  What do you guys think about that?  Do you think things like that help with motivation or is it a waste of money because it may not fit when I need it and I'd have to get something else on top of it (please keep in mind I do not have a job in Chicago yet).

On the exercise front I'm still not motivated in any way to do anything and have to force myself to accomplish any exercise at all.  Not good on day 3 of the resolution.  I think I would do better if signed up for a sport or a dance class or something.  I tend to better when other people are relying on me to show up for something or if I might be able to beat someone in something.  Hmmm.....something else to think about.

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal March 30, 2011

Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/blueberries
Lunch - 490 calories
6" subway turkey on honey oat w/ mustard, cucumbers, tomato, peppers
1 can of barq's rootbeer (one of my favorite parts of the day)
Snack - 200 calories
Starbucks tall iced chai w/soy milk (considering i walked, elevatored, sky bridged, and practically ran stairs in heels to get to this drink and then again back to work I think I burned this whole drink off before I took a sip)
5 carrot sicks w/ hummus
Dinner - 430 calories
4 pieces of thin sliced lunch meat ham
1 sandwich thin (tastes like cardboard- i don't recommend them)
Sweet Potato Fries
1 Oatmeal Raisin cookie
Total calories - 1240

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 2

Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 217.6
Total Loss: 3.4 pounds

Yahoo!!  I'm starting off with a bang.  3.4 pounds in one day ain't half bad I say.  Today was a good day.  Even though it was raining and overcast outside I was thinking about summer all day and how much I want to be able to wear a sleeveless summer dress.  That will definately be numerous pounds from now but everyone has to have a goal right?

I did fairly well with my food choices today and bought a cute little notebook for my purse to journal in and even skipped my afternoon Starbucks which has quickly become a daily routine for me.  I listened to Britney's new album all afternoon hoping for some girl power motivation to rub off on me but am not really feeling the love for this album yet.  I had a friend over for dinner and fell back on a bad habit that I know I need to change.  I ordered pizza because its easy, they deliver, and everyone likes it.  Everyone except my scale.  I'm a little bit worried about what the scale will show me tomorrow since I did eat 3 pieces but vow to have a back up plan for next time this situation arises.  Something else I am going to institute tomorrow is having a low calorie snack around 3 or 4 in the afternoon so that I am not starving when I get home from work.  I probably could have made a better decision for dinner tonight if I had any energy left in my brain and something besides growling in my stomach when I got home.  I even have celery and hummus in the fridge at work and did nothing about it.

My head is about to hit the keyboard so I'm going to keep today's post short.  Tomorrow's resolutions: eat afternoon snack, plan and be prepared for a few quick easy dinners (I'll take suggestions here if anyone has them).

Thanks for reading.  Check in tomorrow to see the love/hate relationship Dominos has with my scale.


Food Journal for March 29, 2010

Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/blueberries
Lunch - 610 calories
Subway Turkey club on Honey Oat bread, tomato, cucumber, peppers, olives, mustard
Baked BBQ Lays
Small Raspberry Iced Tea
Dinner - 1215 calories HOLY SHIT!!! That is more than the calories I had all day yesterday!
3 Pieces sausage/mushroom pizza
2 glasses of rootbeer
Total calories - 1945

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 1

Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 221
Total Loss: 0 pounds

First of all, YIKES!  I cannot believe that in the last 2-3 months that I have been really lax about journaling and eating pretty much whatever I want that I have gained back 10 of my lost pounds!  So glad I started this now before I was back up to where I was when I started or even worse.  I did encounter a couple of small obstacles today but glad they happened on day 1 when I have a lot of willpower vs. next week when the hunger has kicked in but the results haven't yet. 

Obstacle number 1 - Lunch with the boss's boss. 
It's not like I could say no to this lunch invite but luckily he chose a restaurant I was familiar with so I knew the calorie count on an entree I have gotten there before.  I knew ahead of time that obstacle number 2 was going to be happening later that day so even though the lunch entree was only 500 calories I didn't eat the taco shell and opted for no guacamole to cut the calories even more.  So I estimate 200 calories or less for the contents of the tacos.

Obstacle number 2 - Happy hour with an ex-employee.
My second chance of the day to show that I can handle every day situations and not go over calories was happy hour with an ex-employee that was planned over a week ago.  I was pretty hungry going in since my lunch was pretty small and breakfast too now that I think about it.  So when the drink menu came I stuck with non-sweetened iced tea and when the appetizers were being passed around I did a quick calorie estimate on each one and had one of each of the breaded appetizers and a few of the lower calorie non-carb appetizers.

I wasn't completely satisfied when I left but I wasn't beating myself up for indulging either.  Right now its about 830pm and I could definately go for a sandwich (or some cake and ice cream ;) ) but I've turned the tv off and the kitchen and any room remotely close to it is off limits for the rest of the night.  I have found in the past that if I distract myself from thoughts of food long enough I can insert a new habit into the time slot that used to be filled with eating.  So here I am typing away in a room that is relatively safe food wise.  Not counting the Juicy Juice fruit punch box that is sitting on my desk but luckily it doesn't have a straw so I think I can handle it, haha.

I didn't get any exercise in today which of course is my biggest issue that needs to be tackled.  I didn't get home until after 7pm and had to do bath time, books, and bed with my 3 year old and its a little dark to go out and do some walking around the neighborhood at this point.  Even as I type this I realize that I'm already making excuses.  I have work out dvd's downstairs and as soon as I'm done here I am going to go do one.  Wow!  This blog thing really works......Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in to get this thing moving in the right direction!

Thanks for checking in with me today.  Come back tomorrow and watch me post my weight for the world to see once again!


Food Journal for March 28, 2011

Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/ blueberries
Lunch - 200 calories
Chicken tacos minus the shell, cheese, and guacamole
Iced Tea
Snack - 170 calories
Starbucks tall iced chai tea w/soy milk
Dinner - 250 calories
2 steak bites - 70 calories
1 grilled shrimp on appetizer bread - 65 calories
1 breaded artichoke heart - 75 calories
1 popcorn shrimp - 40 calories
Iced Tea
Dessert - 100 calories
Handful of jelly beans
Snack before working out - 105 calories
Total Calories - 945

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A New Beginning

Hi.  My name is Mellissa and I am fat.  I love to eat and I don't mean carrots.  Bread, cheese sticks, cupcakes, I never met a carb I didn't like.  Over the past year I have made a lot of good changes in my life by removing myself from a stressful relationship that I was in for 14 years.  Throughout that 14 years I gained over 100 pounds.  When I first moved out in March of 2010 I immediately started loosing weight.  Over the next few months I lost 30 pounds by creating good habits to replace my old bad ones.  I started walking 3 miles at least 3 times a week and journaling my food intake while counting calories.  I was feeling really good about it and getting a lot of compliments but in November another change hit me on the home front and forced me in a way back into a part of that relationship.  At the end of April I will be free of it for good but I know that life will always throw me curveballs and I need to learn to deal with them without involving food. 

So that is where this blog idea came from.  In 30 days I will be moving across the country to a city I have always wanted to live in and I really feel that this is my time to start actually living my life and not just hide behind the garlic naan.  To some of you 30 pounds in 30 days may seem a little extreme but its really more about the challenge than the actual number for me.  I want to know that I can beat this on my own and be prepared for whatever Chicago brings me.

Here is my plan to do it......

1. Blog every day.  Even if I am having the worst day and have eaten everything in my path I will write it all down and be honest about it.

2.  Journal my food and calories.  My goal is to be under 1200 calories a day and keep my carbs in check.

3.  Exercise :(  I HATE exercising so this will probably be the biggest challenge for me.  I did just buy a treadmill so I'm hoping it will be delivered in the next couple days so I really don't have any excuses to not do this.

Other than loosing weight and feeling good when I move I'm really hoping that blogging about it will help me to pick up on my eating or stress triggers before the binge starts.  Please feel free to give me hell with your comments.  Especially if I start making excuses or don't follow my 3 rules above.  Thanks for joining me on this journey.  Here we go.........
