Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 2.9

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 206.2
2.0 Total Loss: 7 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 206.2
Total Loss: 14.8 pounds

Today was NOT a good day :(  McDonald's for breakfast, a hot dog for lunch, and pizza for dinner makes me want to cry right now as I type this.  Maybe I'll get lucky for tomorrow's weigh in and just maintain rather than have a gain but I really don't deserve that.  I'm glad I'm writing this right now so I'm aware of the bad choices before its a week from now and I've gained all 7 pounds back.  I'm going to remember this feeling tomorrow and make better choices.  Already trying to figure out what I'm going to do about grandma's bisquits and gravy in the morning considering 2 of them are 900 calories!!! 

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 28, 2011
Breakfast - 550 calories
McDonalds Egg McMuffin meal w/coke
Lunch - 300 calories
Hot Dog on bun
Dinner - 900 calories
2 pieces of sausage pizza
cherry coke
Total Calories - 1750 calories

Day 2.8

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 206.8
2.0 Total Loss: 6.4 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 206.8
Total Loss: 14.2 pounds

Today was a good day.  I knew I'd probably be eating out for dinner since my friend was flying in this afternoon so I cut the yogurt for breakfast and had half an apple and skipped the department lunch for my left over brocoli and grilled chicken.  Sure enough as soon as I picked Yvonne up from the airport we stopped at cracker barrel to eat.  I ordered off the children's menu thinking that if I just cut my portion sizes it might be easier this weekend to not have to avoid the restaurants or food all together just not eat as much of it.  That seemed to work for me but by the end of the night I was sluggish and tired.  The food was definately not worth it (I'm writing this 2 days later so this trend and message will continue tomorrow).

Still hoping to be under 205 at the end of this weekend.  Light a candle please!!

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 27, 2011
Breakfast - 50 calories
1/2 apple
Lunch - 250 calories
steamed brocoli
grilled chicken
Dinner - 500 calories
2 child size blueberry pancakes w/syrup
1 piece of sausage
Snack - 500 calories
Cherry Coke
1/3 of a movie theater nachos
Total Calories - 1300

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 2.7

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 207.2
2.0 Total Loss: 6 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 207.2
Total Loss: 13.8 pounds

Woohoo!!  Back to being below where I ended last month!!  Not sure if I'll get to 205 by tomorrow like I hoped but hopefully Saturday for sure and will be under 200 by the end of the long weekend!!  I had a good day food wise.  Got my bite ramps off today at the orthodontist so it is a lot easier to eat and talk but my appointment took a good chunk out of my work day so luckily I had left overs in the fridge at work from the day before so I didn't have to stop and eat out.  I had left overs for dinner too so am hoping for a good loss tomorrow.  I'm starting to get hungry now so that is my cue to go to bed, haha. 

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 26, 2011
Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek yogurt w/blueberries
Lunch - 350 calories
1 piece of cheese bread
1 cup of spaghetti
Dinner - 250 calories
steamed brocoli
small chicken breast
Total Calories - 720 calories  ?!  Damn it!  I could have had the chai!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 2.6

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 208.4
2.0 Total Loss: 4.8 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 208.4
Total Loss: 12.6 pounds

Had a really good day today!!  Used left overs from last night for lunch today and finally shed the water I was holding on to hence the 2 pound loss in one day!!!  Whoop Whoop!  I actually had something to do at work today and got some exciting new responsibilities so I didn't even really think about food all day.  I was starving when I got home so used some of the chai mix I had in the fridge as a snack while I was making dinner (that drink went way to fast!!).  Even with Chai and ice cream which I never do I'm still close to my calorie goal for the day.  I'm hoping to get down to at least 205 by the weekend so I'll be so close to my 199 goal that nothing will be tempting enough to stop me from getting there.  Just typing a 1 in front of the other numbers right now gets me excited. 

I have an ortho appointment tomorrow to get my bite ramps taken off and to get an adjustment so I'm sure my teeth will be hurting this weekend anyway limiting what I can eat which will help me to stay on track as well. 

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 25, 2011
Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/ blueberries
Lunch - 350 calories
1 cup spaghetti
1 cheese bread
Snack - 350 calories
Dinner - 200 calories
1 small piece of grilled chicken
steamed brocoli
Dessert - 230 calories
chocolate ice cream
Total calories - 1230 calories

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 2.5

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 210.4
2.0 Total Loss: 2.8 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 210.4
Total Loss: 10.6 pounds

Three good days in a row!!  I'm on a roll.  And a good thing too since I'm rolling toward a long weekend that will have a ton of food temptations.  Not quite down to my 209 like I thought I would be today but at least I had a loss.  Looking forward to weighing in tomorrow and hopefully hitting the 209 or better.  I think getting back there will be the motivation I need to stick it out over the weekend so that I'm not back to where I started this month on Tuesday.  No real struggles or breakthroughs to write about in the last few days so I think that is a good thing.  I'm making progress in this becoming a lifestyle but it does make for a boring read :(

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 24, 2011
Breakfast - 0 calories
Didn't realize I hadn't eaten the yogurt til it was lunch time
Lunch - 590 calories
Subway Turkey
Cherry Coke
Snack - 90 calories
Apple slices
Dinner - 760 calories
Whole wheat spaghetti w/ garlic sauce
2 pieces of cheese bread w/o crust
Total Calories - 1440 calories   Really?!  Damn!  I felt like I did really well today.  I may be over estimating the spaghetti noodles.  I have no idea how many noodles equals 2 ounces.

Day 2.4

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 210.8
2.0 Total Loss: 2.4 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 210.8
Total Loss: 10.2 pounds

One pound to go until I'm back at my ending weight for the last blog.  I had a great day today in large part because I am only 1 pound away from my first goal for the blog.  I was able to keep that in mind whenever I felt the urge to eat.  I had dinner with a friend and even had a drink and am still looking really good on calories for the day so I'm quite confident I will get back to the 209 tomorrow.  I have a friend from Seattle coming in for memorial day and that will be my first night without a kid since April 29th!  Soo excited to do something adult.  Don't care what it is as long as it doesn't invlove dinosaurs or thomas the train.

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal for May 23, 2011
Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/blueberries
Lunch - 470 calories
Subway Turkey
Baked BBQ Lays
Iced Tea
Dinner - 630 calories
2 small soft shell tacos
1/2 cup of rice
1 glass coke zero with a shot of captain morgan
Total Calories - 1220 calories

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 2.3

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 211.8
2.0 Total Loss: 1.4 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 211.8
Total Loss: 9.2 pounds

Whoop Whoop!!  I'm on my way back down.  2 pounds to go and I'll be back on track :)  Feeling really good about this since its that time of month and I'm sure I'm holding every drop of water that I drink so I'm thinking in a couple days I'll really be seeing some results.  Today was a good day.  It was sunny and 82 degrees outside but breezy so the heat wasn't suffocating.  Logan was up at 630am which is a little early for my liking but I went with it and decided to be productive.  I unpacked half my closet and all the boxes left in the dining room.  Brought a few more up from the looming closet downstairs and did 2 loads of laundry.  Feeling like it must be dinner time by now I looked at the clock and it was 10am :| Damn it, those distractions from food are getting weaker and weaker.  I ate 2 pieces of toast and some fruit and enough water to make it feel like I had an ocean in my stomach then went back to boxes. 

I took Logan to a civil war reinactment where we walked around in the 82 degree heat with me carrying him most of the time because he was afraid of the big crowds.  I was able to avoid all the food there but broke down and bought Logan some carmel corn.  I only had one piece though so feel really good about that.  I had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner which I feel I could have done better with.  Had I eaten a little slower and drank some more water between them I probably wouldn't have eaten both of them.  But I should still be good on the calories for today so am looking forward to weighing in tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,

Food Journal May 22, 2011
Breakfast - 350 calories
2 pieces of whole grain toast w/butter
1 cup of mixed fruit
Lunch - 170 calories
Tall Iced Chai from Starbucks (only 1 point to go to get my gold card!!!)
Dinner - 850 calories
2 grilled cheese sandwiches

Day 2.2

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 213.2
2.0 Total Loss: 0 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 213.2
Total Loss: 7.8 pounds

So not a great start but I didn't figure I'd have much of a loss with the Dominos.  Not feeling too guilty about it though just let it pass and moving on to the next day.  Today was a good day even though I had half a pizza left over from last night and I really didn't want it to go to waste so I skipped breakfast and had 2 pieces for lunch.  With the pizza calories and the rootbeer that has to come with it I figured I'd just have a light dinner and still be able to have a pretty good loss tomorrow.  But then I remembered about the birthday cake that I bought for Logan last weekend which probably wasn't going to last much longer so I ended up having one piece of that with some ice cream.   With my estimate I was still under my calorie goal for the day but still felt like I didn't do well today because of the foods that I ate.  I did end up throwing away the rest of the pizza so that is out of the house and even though there is some cake left in the fridge that will be tossed tomorrow. 

I got quite a bit of unpacking done today but still seem to keep coming across boxes....where the hell did all this stuff come from?  Other than carrying heavy ass boxes up and down the stairs I didn't get any exercise it today.  I'll deal with the exercise next week when I unearth my blu ray player and dvd's and find the arms to my treadmill.

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 2.1

2.0 Starting Weight: 213.2
Today's Weight: 213.2
2.0 Total Loss: 0 pounds

Original Starting Weight: 221
Today's Weight: 213.2
Total Loss: 7.8 pounds

So 3.6 pounds up since the end of the last blog isn't too tragic.  Of course I'd love to have been able to keep it going and be down another 10-15 pounds by now especially since that would put me under 200 pounds which is a milestone I have been wanting for a really long time (way too long, honestly).  I'm not even going to say that is my goal for this month's blog because maybe I'm psyching myself out with that number.  I just need to keep doing what I know works and concentrate on my actions and not on the numbers.  Right.  Easier said than done. 

I started today motivated by really wanting to lose that 3.6 pounds the first day and being back to where I ended to get going on this month (hey, I lost 3.4 pounds the first day last time).  I'm going to end the suspense right now and tell you that didn't happen.  I had yogurt for breakfast which is a good habit I picked up last month that worked for me, tried to refill my water whenever I noticed it was out which also kept me from being too hungry at my desk.  It was friday so the department goes to lunch together and this time they picked taco bell (of course, taco bell on my first day).  They did have a diet menu which didn't make me feel too much better since diet at taco bell probably just means under 1000 calories.  But I made the best choice I could and it actually turned out pretty good when I got back to my desk and looked up the calories.  The fresco chicken burrito is only 350 calories and the small strawberry fruitista is another 250 calories.  With only 120 calories for breakfast 600 for lunch is still pretty good. 

After work I had to drive to t-mobile to put my foot in someone's ass about my phone not doing half of what I'm paying for.  And after the 30 minute drive to pick Logan up I had to drive another hour before getting to t-mobile which then turned out to be Radio Shack with a T-mobile authorized dealer and the authorized person was not working yesterday.  The poor clerk at Radio Shack probably didn't deserve all the things I said to him but needless to say after I was done he attempted and failed to fix my phone.  He told me that I needed to go to a real T-mobile store to get a new sim card.  Right!!  When I switched from my blackberry to my current phone and they assured me they were copying everything over from my old sim card to my new sim card and handed me a phone with no contacts or pics or videos or texts I think I may have had a small heart attack.  But now I'm 45 pounds lighter so I'm not so concerned about the heart attack :) but more concerned about me breaking out some ninja type moves on the workers and innocent bystanders so I just went home instead.  I dug out my usb cord (way more complicated than it sounds since like I said yesterday I am not unpacked yet), moved all my pics/videos/contacts on to my computer, then went to T-mobile first thing this morning (apparantly there is one right across the street from my house....awesome that I wasted half a tank of gas yesterday!!).

What was I talking about?  Oh yeah, weight loss.  So after driving around all of Illinois and digging through boxes and figuring out how to move my info on to my computer it was 7:45pm and I did not feel like cooking.  So I ordered Dominos (having deja vu here too about not being prepared for these situations and calling Dominos).  I ate 3 pieces of pizza and 3 hotwings!!  And 2 glasses of rootbeer.  Then I fell asleep around 915pm.  Not a good start.  Not a good start at all.......

Food Journal May 20, 2011
Breakfast - 120 calories
Greek Yogurt w/blueberries
Lunch - 600 calories
Fresco Chicken burrito
Small Strawberry Fruitista
Dinner - 1200 (estimate)
3 pieces of sausage pizza
3 hot wings
2 glasses rootbeer

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Starting Weight: 221
Day 30 Weight: 209.6
Total Loss: 11.4 pounds

So I'm a little late but here is my final weigh in for the 30 pounds in 30 days......  Happy with 11.4 pounds even though its only a third of what I was hoping for. 

Its been about a month since day 30 and I have moved to Chicago (the far suburbs anyway) and started a new job.  I still have a lot of unpacking to do and have been feeling really not good about my food choices over the past few weeks.  Driving from Seattle to Chicago really didn't provide much of an opportunity to eat healthy and then staying at grandma's house for a week with her cooking was even worse.  I have been in my own place for almost a week and have finally gotten my kitchen unpacked and went grocery shopping so am looking forward to getting back to what I know I should be doing. 

I unpacked my scale tonight and have to admit that I am pretty fucking terrified to get on it tomorrow.  I know it will not be pretty!  I'm hoping that I haven't given up my entire 11 pounds that I lost in April.  I'm starting another 30 day blog starting tomorrow.  I hope you will stick with me through this next one and for what my promises are worth at this point I will promise to post every day for the full 30 days.  I don't forsee anything very exciting happening in the next month so shouldn't have any distractions to take me away from it.  I'm keeping the 30 pounds in 30 days title and that is what I will shoot for but will be happy with 15 pounds.  I did have a couple slip ups in April (which you all saw) so I know I can beat the 11 pound success I had then.  With the weather being nice and a 500 pound treadmill in my dining room (THANKS SO MUCH TO BRANDI!!) I have absolutely no excuses!!

Thanks for reading!!  Tune in tomorrow for my starting weight.